Monday, June 8, 2009

Chicken Pox Scare

Saturday, Brent and Brady were playing outside in the sprinkler. When we were changing Brady out of his wet clothes, we noticed that he had these little red spots around his diaper area and ankles and stomach. We though maybe just a heat rash from playing outside. On Sunday morning, I was changing Brady and noticed he had red spots all over his body from head to toe. I thought maybe chicken pox. He wasn't scratching or acting any different then before. He was his usual crazy and energetic kid and eating all day long. He also didn't have a fever. Well, Sunday night was along night. He was up 2 times and at 3am he was running a 102 temp. I took off from school and took him to the doctor this morning. His pediatrician said that he is 99.9% it is a viral rash. There isn't anything we can give him or put on it other than Tylenol & Motrin every 4 hours for the fever. He thinks it should last about 2-5 days, so if he still has the symptoms and rash on Thursday, I have to take him back for testing. He is considered contagious because it is viral, so I can't send him to the babysitter. Brent and I are taking turns this week watching him. This is my last week of school, so great timing huh?

Well, he is doing ok! He is playing with Camy. He likes to chase her down the hall and back, screaming from the top of his lungs and then giggles really cute! I guess I am happy that it isn't chicken pox, but I am dreading the day when it actually comes. I feel so bad for him. He looks like he laid in a big ant bid and just let ants crawl all over him and bite him. It is everywhere.

1 comment:

STACEY said...

Poor baby! That is very scary. I’m glad it was not chicken pox though.
So “Brent and Brady were playing outside in the sprinkler.”….I can just seen Brent now running thru the sprinklers!

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