Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He is Alright!

Brady is finally sleeping through the night in his own bed (with no accidents either).

Last night, Brady woke up about 3am. He cried out for me and I went in to rub his back so he could go back to sleep.

He woke back up around 4am, but this time he shouted out,"Momma, I ok. Go back to sleep. Love you. Night-Night. See you in the morning. Sweet dreams Momma!"

I was laughing so hard, I had such a hard time going back to sleep myself. He slept in his bed til 6:30am that morning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Potty Training Weekend

For our Labor Day Weekend, we decided to start potty training Brady. A friend of mine used a program with her son and I thought I would give it a try. It is called the 3 Day Potty Training Program. You can purchase her book online and it comes with lots of great sticker charts and certificates too. Plus, you can contact her online for ideas or help. Here are some pictures of our weekend!

We went Friday night to San Antonio to get last minute stuff (more underwear just in case, more mattress pad covers, and a few more shirts for little man). Bass Pro Shops is in the shopping Center as Babies R Us and Brady knows that is the fish store. We got stuck in the toy area for some time. He really wanted this gun and hat, but we thought we would wait for Santa.
One thing the program said to do was to completely get rid of all diapers and never use them again including pull ups. Brady wanted to give his diapers to Kinley, so he and I packed them up Saturday morning and daddy took them to her.

Here is a shot of Brady wearing his new big bot underwear! He loves wearing his choo-choo train ones the most!

Here are some of the toys I got Brady for when he filled up one row of his potty chart. We found a Cars one with the program and I found Cars stickers at the dollar section at Target. He loved getting a sticker every time he went in the big boy potty!

We did lots of things together. I was not suppose to leave his side for 3 days! We painted outside, played on his slide, golfed, played choo-choos, had all of his Cars and animals out. We even made cookies together! Our house was a disaster come Monday night!

Here is Brady with some of his new animals. He was just starting to combine his other animals with the new ones he got for filling his first row of stickers.

When the Warren's came to see us a few weekends ago, Reagan had a little Etch-n-Sketch. Brady loved that thing, so when I went for prizes for him, I made sure I got one of these. He loves it!

The first 2 days of this program were not so great. He had maybe 2 or 3 successful trips to the potty and lots of accidents. However, he slept through the nights all weekend with no accidents! That is something that I was impressed with! By Monday, I guess it just clicked. He was running to the bathroom. He went to school the next day and had no accidents there. I was so happy.

Now, he isn't completely trained yet, but he is getting better and loves going outside. It is so nice to not have to change diapers or change a diaper pail. Now I just have to know where all the bathrooms are everywhere I go. I took my first trip with him to the grocery store in Boerne today and I was so nervous. He did great. I will venture further out to San Antonio maybe next weekend. I highly recommend this program. I seems like it really works!

Friday, September 10, 2010

8 Questions from Stacey!

So I finally have a chance to check webpages and see that my friend Stacey chose me for 8 Questions. I have never done this, so I thought sure...why not!
Here are her 8 questions with my answers...

1. What brand of toilet paper do you use?
I think it is Charmin, but Brent usually picks it.

2. Who is the celebrity that you are most embarrassed to admit you have a crush on?
I don't know if I am embarrassed, but I love Vince Vaughn!

3. What is your all time favorite movie?
Honestly, love all the disney and pixar movies! Kid at heart I guess.

4. What store do you spend most of your paycheck?
Easy....Old Navy, Target, or Lakeshore!

5. What is your favorite restaurant?

6. What is the most favorite thing to do in the town you live in?
Well, here in Bandera...not much to do but enjoy the hill country and all the deer.

7. Where is the best place you have been on vacation?
Las Vegas for my honeymoon!

8. What is the most distant place you have visited?
Lake Tahoe for my anniversary.

Ok, so I answered hers and now I have to think of my own 8 questions and tag 8 new people. I don't know if they all have webpages, but I guess they can go it on facebook or something.

My questions...
1. What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working?
2. What is the worse movie you ever saw?
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
4. What is your idea of the perfect date?
5. What is your favorite book?
6. What color socks do you wear?
7. Are you a jeans type of person or dress nice?
8. What is one wish you have that you would want to come true?

Here are the people I tag...
Michelle R.
Michelle M.

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